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We believe the only way to disrupt tech is to diversify it.
Our Founders

Meet Mitch and Freada

Mitch Kapor, along with his wife Freada Kapor Klein, have spent the last decade at Kapor Centor. They’ve developed a vision and practice of investing in tech startups which close gaps of access, opportunity, or outcome for low-income communities of color and founders from underrepresented groups.

Through the work of the Kapor Center, Mitch and Freada take a comprehensive approach to removing barriers in education and the workplace for all and fixing the leaks at every stage of the tech pipeline.

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Mitch Kapor, along with his wife Freada Kapor Klein, have spent the last decade at Kapor Centor. They’ve developed a vision and practice of investing in tech startups which close gaps of access, opportunity, or outcome for low-income communities of color and founders from underrepresented groups.

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Mitch Kapor, along with his wife Freada Kapor Klein, have spent the last decade at Kapor Centor. They’ve developed a vision and practice of investing in tech startups which close gaps of access, opportunity, or outcome for low-income communities of color and founders from underrepresented groups.

Upcoming Events

Our Mission and Philosophy

We dismantle the systems of injustice that exist throughout the tech ecosystem by tackling them at their origin with a holistic and research-driven approach that prioritizes the needs of historically marginalized communities and produces a more just and equitable society.

We do this by

  1. Advancing the research

    Advancing the research

    Create, spread, and campaign action-oriented research that leads to more effective, evidence-based solutions.

  2. Being the catalyst for change

    Being the catalyst for change

    Inspire the tech world to match or exceed resources (in time, attention, or money), so that a decade from now tech will be more representative of the United States.

  3. Strengthening the tech ecosystem

    Strengthening the tech ecosystem

    Eliminate disparities with increased tech leadership in historically marginalized populations, with an emphasis on Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people of color.

Our Areas of Action

Diversity in tech begins with a diverse approach to eliminate barriers.


To conduct and produce key research insights that drive action.

Diversity and Inclusion

To grow the participation of low income and historically marginalized people of color across all levels of the tech workplace.


To create access to tech and STEM education for youth.

Community Engagement

To build and mobilize coalitions to advance racial equity across technology communities.

Venture Capital

To increase diverse tech entrepreneurship and access to capital, helping build/expand the startup ecosystem of gap-closing companies, especially in Oakland.

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Mitch Kapor, along with his wife Freada Kapor Klein, have spent the last decade at Kapor Centor. They’ve developed a vision and practice of investing in tech startups which close gaps of access, opportunity, or outcome for low-income communities of color and founders from underrepresented groups.

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Mitch Kapor, along with his wife Freada Kapor Klein, have spent the last decade at Kapor Centor. They’ve developed a vision and practice of investing in tech startups which close gaps of access, opportunity, or outcome for low-income communities of color and founders from underrepresented groups.

Key Issues

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  3. A issue
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Our Family of Organizations

We’re working across all levels of the tech ecosystem for the greater good of underrepresented communities.

Kapor Foundation

We work at the intersection of racial justice and technology. We aim to dismantle systems of injustice across the tech ecosystem through research-driven practices, programs, partnerships, and policies.


We work to empower dedicated students of color with an intensive science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education and culturally-relevant coursework to allow them to be successful in college and in their careers.

Kapor Capital

We’re an Oakland-based venture capital firm that invests in industry-transforming startups for a more fair, just, and equitable society for low income communities and underrepresented communities of color.

Kapor Initiatives

We create ways to influence change and opportunity for more equal representation in the tech ecosystem.

Other Initiatives

We address other problematic, key areas in the tech ecosystem through our other initiatives.

Press Releases

White House Announces Young Men of Color Initiative

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Benjamin Todd Jealous to Join Kapor Center for Social Impact

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Civil Rights, Labor, and Tech Leaders Applaud Kapor Center for Social Impact’s Newest Partner Benjamin Todd Jealous

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Our Collective Impact Model

The Kapor Center family of organizations work together to holistically transform the tech and venture capital ecosystems by addressing multiple barriers in the tech ecosystem. Through our SMASH programs, Kapor Foundation grants, and Kapor Capital investments, the Kapor Center’s work fits within three key pillars:

  1. Computer Science (CS) Education Equity
  2. Strengthening Tech Ecosystems
  3. Advancing Racial Equity in Tech

Our work expands across the country. Right now, we’re doubling down on our mission to fight for racial justice and create a more inclusive technology sector in the cities of Atlanta, Detroit, and Oakland.

Our History

Since 2016, we’ve made significant progress…


Inaugurated New Building in Uptown Oakland

The Hub on 22nd and Broadway focuses on tech, diversity and social impact. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf joined Bay Area tech and community leaders at a ribbon cutting event to mark the official opening of the Kapor Center for Social Impact's new home at 2148 Broadway. The building serves as a convening space for the region's tech and social justice communities.


Tech Leavers Study

Published the groundbreaking Tech Leavers Study, exploring why people — particularly women, underrepresented people of color and LGBT tech employees — left their jobs. Coverage of the study’s findings appeared in 50+ publications.


Leaky Tech Pipeline

The Leaky Tech Pipeline framework and website helps increase understanding of the causes of disparities in the technology ecosystem, raises awareness about effective strategies and stages for intervention, and drives the development and implementation of comprehensive solutions.


Tech Done Right Challenge

The Kapor Center launched the Tech Done Right (TDR) Challenge — a $1M national funding challenge seeking to catalyze diversity in the technology sector. Through this challenge, the Kapor Center identifies organizations throughout the U.S. that are actively addressing equity and inclusion gaps in their local tech ecosystem.


$1 Million in Grant Funding

Kapor Foundation gave $1 million in grant funding to national civil rights and local grassroots organizations focused on voter education and engagement, voter and election protection, and building political power within Black and Brown communities.


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Program

The Kapor Center launched the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Program, preparing leaders to make impactful organizational change in tech.